Immigator Application

Your Navigator for Global Immigration

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The Immigator App was designed by an Immigration Attorney in an effort to provide maximum convenience to those who must routinely navigate various immigration systems throughout the globe. It is designed to keep the user up to date regarding the validity of their status in a given country and provide a visa alarm service when that status is coming to an end.

The Immigator app also allows for a user to maintain a “visa wallet” of multiple visas in order to keep track of their ongoing status in various countries. Users can upload their passport photo page, visa sticker or stamp, and their latest entry stamp to our secure cloud and in the event a passport is lost or stolen the user can contact us and we can return the user’s documentation in soft copy format for usage while they are replacing their passport.

When a user leaves a country the Immigator app notes this and asks the user if they wish to change their visa information in order to continue tracking their status in the new location.

We strive to make matter related to visas and immigration as straightforward and stress free as possible.


"Immigration has never been easier"


The Immigator app takes in your visa expiration information to alert you when the expiration of your visa is imminent.

The Visa Wallet allows you to store your passport photo page and visa documentation in our secure server online so you may access it if your passport is lost or stolen while abroad.

Our app allows for you to maintain multiple visas and visa information using our platform. When you travel to a new country our app will ask details to update your status accordingly.

A visa is generally the sicker or stamp which is applied to a passport and grants the bearer entry to a country. This should not be confused with an arrival or entry stamp which confers a specific period of lawful status in that country to the bearer.

An entry or arrival stamp is issued to a passport upon arrival of a foreign national in given country. This stamp may be issued in connection with an issued visa or simply at the discretion of an immigration officer upon arrival in a given country.

This is a frequent occurrence, where this happens the entry stamp’s validity is generally controlling and for this reason the expiration date of this stamp will be used when calculated the expiration date of one’s lawful status in a given jurisdiction for purposes of the Visa Alarm.

We use Google Cloud services for the most secure storage of your documentation.

The primary purpose of the GPS function of the app is to determine when a user has departed one country and entered another. This is to ensure that the app is up to date on the specific visa being used.

If you lose your passport and you have uploaded photos of your passport page and visa stickers, we can send soft copies of this documentation back to you from our files after you have verified your identity using our security protocols.